Tag: gurjeet jutley oxford

How to treat astigmatism

February, 2023

Astigmatism is a common visual finding that most commonly affects the shape of the cornea and can cause distorted or blurry vision. It is essential to properly diagnose and treat astigmatism to maintain good vision and eye health.   In this article, Gurjeet Jutley discussed the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for astigmatism.   What is astigmatism and how is it caused?   The eye has two structures, the cornea and...

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When can I start normal activities after cataract surgery?

September, 2022

Although each case is different, your vision should begin to get back to normal within a few days of having the procedure.   Whilst cataract surgery is common, a reasonable period of recovery time is still needed, and when you get home you will want to rest and recuperate for a while.   In this article, Gurjeet Jutley explains what you can expect after cataract surgery, and how long it will take until you can get back to your...

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COVID-19 and glaucoma treatment

May, 2020

As a result of the current restrictions due to the global Covid-19 pandemic many medical procedures have been postponed indefinitely. This is to minimise infection rates and increase capacity for critical conditions. Covid-19 precautions People with glaucoma should adhere to the general guidelines: Maintain social distancing Wash your hands regularly Wear a mask when being around other people Ventilate rooms Avoid...

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COVID-19 Update: Guidelines issued by Royal College of Ophthalmologists

April, 2020

Coronavirus Update The outbreak of this pandemic has sadly led to restrictions being placed across wide facets of everyday life. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists have acted to give guidance to help clinical practice under such difficult circumstances. Balancing risk The aim of clinicians currently is to balance the risk of possibly acquiring COVID-19 infection in the eye clinic versus the risk of harm as a result of failure to treat a...

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