Category: Patient Care

Myopia Management: Your Guide to Clear Vision

May, 2024

As we observe Myopia Awareness Week from May 13th to 19th, it gives us an opportunity to explore this prevalent eye condition affecting millions worldwide. In this article, Gurjeet Jutley, Consultant Ophthalmologist and Eye Surgeon in Oxford, aims to raise awareness and provide in-depth insights into the diagnosis, causes, symptoms, and management of myopia. What is Myopia? Myopia, commonly referred to as near-sightedness or...

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A guide to nutrition for healthy eyes

May, 2024

Nourish Your Vision: A Guide to Nutrition for Healthy Eyes In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of proper nutrition for maintaining optimal eye health. As a consultant ophthalmologist specialising in cataract and glaucoma procedures, Mr. Gurjeet Jutley understands the critical role that nutrition plays in supporting vision. In this article, Mr Jutley explores the connection between nutrition and eye health, focusing on...

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A quick guide to lens replacement surgery

March, 2023

Lens replacement surgery, also known as lens exchange or lens replacement, is a surgical procedure in which the natural lens inside the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. It can be a very valid option instead of wearing contact lenses or glasses. In this blog, Gurjeet Jutley provides a quick guide to lens replacement surgery and outlines what you can expect.   Is lens replacement surgery the same as cataract...

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How to treat astigmatism

February, 2023

Astigmatism is a common visual finding that most commonly affects the shape of the cornea and can cause distorted or blurry vision. It is essential to properly diagnose and treat astigmatism to maintain good vision and eye health.   In this article, Gurjeet Jutley discussed the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for astigmatism.   What is astigmatism and how is it caused?   The eye has two structures, the cornea and...

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The risk factors associated with glaucoma patient falls

March, 2022

What are the risk factors associated with glaucoma patient falls? Glaucoma impacts the visual fields of patients, so it’s perhaps unsurprising that it can increase a patient’s risk of falling. It has been described, that patients can have up to three to four times greater risk of falling, with ensuing risks of injuries. The most significant factor associated with glaucoma patients is their decreased visual field, particularly inferiorly....

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