Category: Cataract

A quick guide to lens replacement surgery

March, 2023

Lens replacement surgery, also known as lens exchange or lens replacement, is a surgical procedure in which the natural lens inside the eye is removed and replaced with an artificial lens. It can be a very valid option instead of wearing contact lenses or glasses. In this blog, Gurjeet Jutley provides a quick guide to lens replacement surgery and outlines what you can expect.   Is lens replacement surgery the same as cataract...

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When can I start normal activities after cataract surgery?

September, 2022

Although each case is different, your vision should begin to get back to normal within a few days of having the procedure.   Whilst cataract surgery is common, a reasonable period of recovery time is still needed, and when you get home you will want to rest and recuperate for a while.   In this article, Gurjeet Jutley explains what you can expect after cataract surgery, and how long it will take until you can get back to your...

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What happens after cataract surgery?

June, 2022

Cataract surgery has evolved to become a day case surgery, ensuring same day discharge back home. Cataract surgery involves the removal of a clouded lens, with the replacement artificial lens being implanted. This is not an absolute as on occasions the cataract may be removed without implanting an artificial lens. The aim is always to improve the vision and improve the quality of life of our patients. In this article, Gurjeet Jutley explains...

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